I belong to a lovely group of ladies who call ourselves Beyond Altered Books Group - this name grew from Altered Book Group because some of us have branched out and work on other projects when we meet. We first did various workshops with Ro Bruhn (aren't we lucky) and then some of us indicated a desire to continue meeting. There is always plenty of fun, art and new ideas and inspirtation around every Third Thursday. I always look forward to these evenings.
One project we've all been working on is a An Altered Book (which is an outdated school text book) where we take a turn to do a page for someone else each month. We all have a book and I can't wait to get mine back finished. I haven't looked at any of my pages yet as I want it to be a surprise when I get it! WE began this about a year ago. This is my latest page for someone who directed me to an inspiring course called Soul Journalling by Sarah Whitmire. Sarah has many Journalling ideas and free courses too, some of which pushed me along in my experimention.
I am the eldest in a family of 7 children and my creative side has been evident for as long as I can remember. (I still have dolls clothes that I made when I was about 10 years old - and the doll!)
I love to knit, crochet, sew, write, read, make books, make jewellery, work in the garden and recently I discovered the joy of 'playing' with art again. I attended an Altered Books Course 3 years ago and haven't stopped "playing" with mixed media since. I find all creative pursuits very calming and relaxing and something I do every day - in one form or another.
I worked as a Teacher Librarian for 35 years & as my husband is already retired and keen to travel, I now do casual teaching and try to find more time to be in my "Room"
The "Gina" Series
She is finished!
My latest painting of my dear friend and muse, Gina..
this is a documentary series that I have been painting for about
9 years..
Field Notes № 05 Flip-Thru & Notes
Drawing is always happening — no matter what other kinds of art I’m doing.
It’s a parallel practice, perhaps. Alliteration! Ironically it’s a stark
First day at the SECC, Glasgow
I've had a great first day at the Exhibition Center in Glasgow at The
Creative Craft & Scottish Quilting Show, where I get the chance to
demonstrate, thank...
Link Love: December
So many links. So little time. Once a month I am going to share links to
articles, artists, websites, social media feeds, artwork, events, book...
At last I have an on-line workshop
I was so happy to be invited to teach for 21 Secrets again.
*Paper, Glue, Scissors*
*There are 21 teachers and 21 diff...
Abstract Reality
In times of frustration I feel that I've painted a million pieces and am
still not where I want to be. So, I recently joined psychiatrist and
abstract arti...
Art Theft
Last weekend I found out that a friend's art had been stolen by another
area artist. Something that is often hard to prevent, especially in this
day of soc...