Saturday, August 10, 2013

Winter Crochet and Knitting.

Winter Crafts make their presence felt - warming the heart in the outdoors - and I've warmed some people - below are my crocheted rugs for my 2 granddaughters!

My efforts - 132 squares in total for 2 rugs!

Cakes, Bikes, Outdoor Seats - nothing is exempt from Guerilla Knitters. Guerilla Knitting, Yarn Bombing, Yarn Storming, Urban Knitting or Wool Graffiti - are all  types of street art that employs colourful displays of knitting and or crochet.


  1. Your rugs are very colourful Sue - such a caring Grandma.

  2. Wonderful squares you've made & i love that guerilla knitting ;) Great cards below, too.
